miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2024

melting point

Magnifying as a lense
Drowning slowly in the sweat
Flows down my skin
Burned by the exposure
Naked  to the flare 

Blinded by the explosion
Soaked on the flames 
Slowly melting the soul
Draining myself 

Silence is aware
That only his presence spares
The intensity of the stress
To return to the solid state

jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2023


Why keep building on thin air
Trying to narrate in two voices
When the silence is complicent
About being alone at the end

Why look ahead
When it's just a game
To pass time
To fool fate

But we is more convenient
Us sounds right
Liking is just enough
Avoidance is the path

viernes, 28 de julio de 2023

Il Porco

Il #Porco  lifetime survivors list  due to predatory behavior against minor females from  1954- 2000 - Paedophile as he approached girls from 2-17 years of age to sexual abuse them in their own homes

1954 -Y.C. - Father abused all his female daughters in front of him while drunk. The abused stop due to heart attack of father while he rode with little sister and himself. Traumatic events trigger the monster.

1954-1969 - Boarding School - Molested by catholic religious caregivers as he was an orphan. Trauma as he assumed sexual behavior as abuse as many psychopaths have been profiled at Latam

1962 - Y.B. - Cousin at vacations at Uncle's Home - She was really traumatized, even claiming she wanted to marry her cousin.

1970 - Statutory rape of Teenage girlfriend M.S.- 15 years old - She probably was previously abused, unknown attackers. M.S. became Mother of 5 of the Porco's children. She normalized as she was child molestation victim (  She confessed to daughter she was molested by brother in law at 12) .  Brother? charged by statutory rape and got married with victim and abused his daughters too, they are all mentally disable to some degree. This brother keep trying to groom myself (uncle R.C.S).

1970 Impregnated married woman, did not pay child support

1972  Tried to molest nieces but he could not drink and did not have alone time with them at USA

1972-1985 Paid political niece (wife's ) money  (she was an addict but claimed money for university materials for her courses. Suspision of attent of abuse as she had been continuosly abused by her own father since 2 years old D.M.C.

1976 -  Minor female  -17 years old 

1981 - "bought" an indigenous "woman" for marriage (slept with a minor at her family's ranch

1987 Rape event when he was left alone with minors while drunk 31 dec 1987 while his wife visited her dying cancer mother 

1980-1985 - niece M.T.

1987-1998 Incest  -Molestation of female step daughters - He claimed he had a "relationship" with one of them, although he met them at 13 years of age while he was already 37 and he had their mother a his mistress

1980-2000 Daughters - Incest : rape, nudity & molestation of from 3-17 years old of age of all of them in different degrees of alcoholic intoxication 

2018 - Daughters confess the incest, they are gaslighted by the rest of the family. They cut ties with parents, and the other sisters resent the confession.

2023 - Writing this bio horror story as one of the incest survivors

domingo, 9 de julio de 2023

saint Marcellus


miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023

Pulga Torio . Flea Tory

My grandmother, alias Dilia, started doing an undercover operation. She explained that she was having woman days again, but that it was wrong. So her neighbor recommended hormonal treatment, and the farmacist gave her birth control pills under the counter. She was ashamed and did not want to expose this situation to my mother, as she was so anxious all the time.

So after 2 months, as being 65 and the situation continued more dramatically, she confessed. My mother called her obstetrician and the testing started. 

I was accustomed to the hospitals, the labs, the kneedles, the pain. The named suited me, Marcela is dedicated to the Lord of War, and I was a warrior in from of my real asthma, and in front of the Munchausen my mother developed with all of her daughters. As in Sharp Objects, her girls were wounded dolls, to take for medical attention ALL the time.

Well, I was afraid they would vaccinate Dilia to stop the bleeding, as they did to immunize me from asthma for a year, 54 times, once a week.  But after my mother sold her jewellery, our Betamax and asked my father for a loan that he denied, as he did not have "obligation" with her family, she had enough to pay for all the scanning in the Cancer Foundation. 

The obstetrician had talked to the oncologist, she needed immediate surgery. Her son had died the year before due to metastasis, my great grandmother too and my dearest uncle died 20 years later from it too. The doctor just said, we need to save her life, and then we irradiate her.

Well, the suffering began. Really fearful for her soul, she met a lady that offered help with that. She met her while she was giving these pictured magazines with a lot of bible explanations and drawings. She came the next day, gave her a orange summary of the Bible with a lot of pictures like a cartoon book. For 6 months, they read together, this Jehovah's Witness gave her peace and after each session, Dilia shared the lesson.

So Dilia, my sister Caro and me heard about the genesis, about a snake, about noe, about king David, about king Salomon. I peaked to the end, and the book was scary, with fire and people running , and Armageddon. I asked... When is this? She theorized it was to happen in 20 years, when I would be an adult. 

She mentioned that she heard that catholics had pictures of a place between earth and the next step, hell or heaven. She just wanted to rest, leave in peace. The transition was some place with fire, Calle purgatory. Today I know it's to purge.... Something. But I only knew another word Pulga (flea), so I assumed that the fire sensation I felt siting in dirty places, was similar to this fleatory (purgatorio in my mother tongue Spanish). 

So, I mentioned that she was a great replacement to my own "angry all the time" mom. I did not remember much of my traveling dad, as he only came once a month and he just sleep in weekends. He liked whiskey and friends too much. So, he was whiskelized most of the time home. He required us to guard his sleep, all smelly and harsh, hugging us like a huge bear. He hurted me a couple of times, I did not know my krav maga self defense yet.

So again, got cut with the telenovela mode. Dilia was 4 years more with pain and dysfunction, with those " fleas of cancer" eating her alive. Yes, my mom explained with a anatomy book how cancer made the white cells massacre the rest of he body. 

Today, 38 years later, the fleas have come for me. It seems that the nervous systems is tired of insomnia, and systems will shot down. I get bites every now and then. I need to call my father's  only sister to ask her about my other grandma's fleas. She had a decrepit symptoms, sclerosis. She had it by 50 and left by 56. She could not move. I did not meet her, but I was going to be named as her. On the last moment, my mother decided to change my fate to Marcela.... Mars warrior. 

So, I am in purgatory with exams, results and feeling that the fleas are getting away with it.

martes, 20 de junio de 2023


You taught me to live at the edge
All the time to be afraid
Fear became my friend
He just stared at fate

You returned to me in many forms
Gentle but cruel
Exacerbating but lost
Love bombing but consuming 
Gentle but childish

I let you go
You are free from me
As I was never yours to slave

Fly away
Wounded bird
Turned into a cruel hawke by dispair
Loneliness is the way

miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023

No me nace

Corazon congelado
Mente dictatorial
Entranas adoloridas
No encuentro paz

Se que debo visitarla 
 El afecto suaviza
El recuerdo abusa
El vientre infectado de veneno

La geisha sacrifica a la nina aterrada
El samurai espera a la defensiva
 la anciana mastica sus condenas

Desdibujado por la culpa
Libre de expectativas
El sacrificio pierde El rito
El pasado se diluye 

 La tricotomia corroe El interior
El amor agoniza
La memoria vanaliza

El alma se libera
La fecundidad se desdibuja
No me nace seguir aqui

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